Condiciones | MifibraTV-PE

ZipZap Privacy Policy

Terms of conditions for the OTT Service

Hereinafter referred to as "TOC"

Company for production, trade and services ZipZap doo Zenica, ID number: 43-01-0028-15, with headquarters at Londža 92, 72000 Zenica, registered in the register maintained by the District Court in Zenica, no. 043-0-Reg-18-001002 (hereinafter referred to as "Provider" or "ZipZap"), as a provider of rebroadcasting through special transmission systems (hereinafter referred to as Provider), hereby issues these general conditions for the provision of the services listed below, available to users via public Internet networks.


1.1 For the purposes of these General Conditions, the following terms have the following meaning:

"Application" means the application provided by the Provider to the Customers for the purpose of using the Service. A list of supported devices is listed on the provider's website;

"Service Price" means the agreed fee of the Provider for providing the Service;

"Price list" means the price list of Services provided by the Provider to the Customer, which is published in the current version on the website The prices listed in the Price List are listed with all fees and taxes;

"Temporary suspension of services" means the introduction of technical means by the Provider in order to suspend the provision of Services to the Customer after the conditions specified in the General Terms and Conditions/Agreement have been met;

"GDPR" means the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data published in Sl. glasnik BiH", No. 49/2006, 76/2011 and 89/2011, Law on Protection of Personal Data;

"Linear services" are television programming services of the broadcaster based on the law on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina;

"Regulation on Cross-Border Services" is the law on the cross-border portability of Internet services that provide content within the market, as amended;

"Provider" is the company for production, trade and services ZipZap doo Zenica, registration number: 43-01-0028-15, with its registered office at Londža 92, 72000 Zenica, registered in the register maintained by the District Court in Zenica, no. 043-0-Reg-18-001002;

"Programme" is a linear television channel (programme)

"Program package" means the basic set of television programs in the OTT service that is provided to the User as a whole. The current content of the Program Package is always published on the website;

"Retransmission" broadcasting and rebroadcasting is the reception and simultaneous, complete and unchanged transmission of the original broadcast of the program service or its essential part by the broadcaster intended for reception by the public, which is carried out via an electronic communication network;

"Registration" means the provision by the Customer of complete, true and accurate information, which is necessary for the Provider to conclude the Agreement and for the purpose of providing the Services, on the website or through the application in the registration form;

"Registration form" means the form available from the website or application, which is used to register the Customer and conclude the Agreement;

"Extension package" means one TV program or a compilation of TV programs as a whole within the OTT service that is offered and provided to the User and may be an extension of the basic program package, and the extended package cannot be used separately. The current offer of expansion packs is always published on the website;

"Services" or "Service" is a collective term for OTT service, for Linear services, VOD service, third-party VOD service and other related services provided by the Provider;

"OTT service" means a publicly available Over-the-Top service distributed by the Provider via the Internet ("Over the Top Service");

"VOD service" is a service distributed by the Provider over the Internet, which allows the user to select and watch a video at the time of his choice and at his own request based on the catalog of programs compiled by the Provider (Video on Demand service);

"Agreement" means the agreement on the provision of the Service concluded between the Provider and the User for the purpose of providing the Service, including these TOC, the Price List, the Technical Parameters of the Service, the Personal Data Processing Policy, which form an integral part of the Agreement;

"Parties" means the Customer and the Provider as parties to the Agreement;

"Consumer" is the Customer, a natural person who concludes a Contract with the Provider outside the Provider outside the scope of his business activity or outside the scope of his independent professional performance;

"Trial period" means a certain period after the conclusion of the Agreement, during which the Customer has the right to use the Services for free in a limited scope determined by the Provider, while if the Customer does not pay for the Services for the upcoming period after the end of the trial period, the Agreement will be automatically terminated at the end of the trial period;

"User interface" means the web interface accessed from the website intended for the Customer and protected by his username and password, which allows him to activate, set up and use the Services;

"Third-party VOD service" means mediation of a video-on-demand service provided by third parties (Video On Demand) that enables the playback of video over the Internet according to the Customer's choice from the offer of third parties through the Provider;

"Territory" means the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina

"TOC" are these General Terms and Conditions;

"Broadcasting" is a television broadcast provided by the Provider as part of the OTT service in the program composition offered by the Provider and in the volume purchased by the Customer; "Websites" are:,;

"Customer" is a natural or legal person who registers to use the Services, or concludes a Contract with the Provider;

"Device" means a terminal device that meets the parameters set by the Provider and is necessary for the proper functioning of the Service on which the User uses the Service. Information about supported devices is listed on the website.


2.1 These General Conditions regulate the relationship between the Provider and the User in the provision and use of the Service, and are therefore part of the contractual relationship between the Provider and the Customer. The Customer acknowledges and agrees that the retransmission of the Linear Services for the Provider is provided by the retransmission Provider on the basis of a separate contract/agreement. These General Terms form an integral part of the Agreement. The contract also contains the Price List, technical parameters of services and principles of personal data processing (GDPR).

2.2 The subject of the Agreement is not the provision of Internet connection services.


3.1 The OTT service consists in providing a broadcasting service to the User based on the Agreement and according to the program offer of the Provider via the public Internet network.

3.2 The OTT service is generally provided in packages with different program composition (program package and possibly extension packages). The user confirms and agrees that the composition and structure of the program package (or expansion package) can be changed unilaterally by the Provider (in particular, it can supplement, replace or cancel individual Programs), without the Provider being obliged to notify the user, especially depending on the availability of individual programs for downloaded shows due to changes in conditions by other content providers, technical conditions, as a result of legal changes, license or copyright changes. A change in the program offer is not considered a change in these General Terms and Conditions.

3.3 The OTT service can be used:

  • 3.3.1 through an application installed on a supported device;
  • 3.3.2 through the web interface through any device equipped with an internet browser capable of transmitting data;
  • 3.3.3 via a set-top box connected to a television receiver;
  • 3.3.4 via Smart TV.

3.4 The OTT service is ordered through the user interface and/or application.

3.5 The user uploads the content of the OTT service (that is, the composition of TV programs according to the Provider's offer) within the framework of the conclusion of the Agreement (during registration) or subsequently through the user interface and/or application. Changing the individual settings of the OTT service is a proposal to change the Agreement by the User addressed to the Provider, while acceptance of this change by the Provider occurs at the moment of actual activation of the OTT service so changed.

3.6 The OTT service is intended only for the user's personal use. The User cannot have more than five Registered Devices for using the OTT service at the same time, provided that he can actively receive the OTT service on a maximum of two devices at the same time. The Provider can extend the reception of the Service to several Devices with a fee according to the Price List.

3.7 The user confirms that the prerequisite for using the OTT service is a functional internet connection that meets the parameters according to the minimum technical requirements published on the site, without which the OTT service cannot be used properly. At the same time, the OTT service is only available on the devices listed on the website. The impossibility or reduced quality of using the OTT service due to non-compliance with the relevant connection parameters is not a fault of the service on the part of the Provider and does not establish the User's right to compensation for service deficiencies according to these General Terms and Conditions. The provider is not responsible for the functionality or operation of the device.

3.8 In accordance with and under the conditions specified in the law on cross-border services and based on these conditions, the services are available to consumers in other countries around the world outside of Bosnia and Herzegovina, if the consumer has a temporary or permanent residence address in Bosnia and Herzegovina and if the Provider also has possibility to sufficiently verify this fact.

3.9 The User accepts that the content of the OTT service (especially the availability of individual Programs within the OTT service) may differ depending on whether the User uses a web interface or an application.

3.10 The Provider shall ensure that the Retransmission Provider undertakes the retransmission of the Linear Services.

3.11 The Provider shall ensure that the Rebroadcasting Provider provides the licensed availability of the rebroadcasting of Linear Services within the time frame determined by the broadcaster of a specific Linear Service, excluding cases of force majeure, failures.

3.12 The obligation to provide retransmission of Linear Services is assumed by the Retransmission Provider until the termination of the Agreement.


4.1 The VOD service consists of providing a video-on-demand service via the Internet, where the User can select and watch a title (film, program, video clip, song, etc.) at a time of their choice, i.e. based on the catalog of programs compiled by the Provider.

4.2 The VOD service is a VOD service for which the Provider is editorially responsible, that is, it has a decisive influence on the selection of videos (programs) and their schedule. This is not a third-party VOD service in which the Provider only mediates.

4.3 The VOD service is ordered in the user interface and/or in the application, to the extent permitted by the Provider.

4.4 The user is obliged to pay the price for using the VOD service according to the Price List, if the service is charged. As a rule, it is a prepaid service, unless the Provider allows another payment method. Unless otherwise agreed, a similar provision relating to the OTT service under these General Terms and Conditions will be applied to the payment method.

4.5 For the provision of the VOD service, it is generally applied (regardless of the selected scope and type of VOD service according to the Provider's offer) that the Provider grants the user a license as non-exclusive and for a limited period of time, territorially limited to the territory and/or country of residence of the User, for the purposes of review specific title by the User, while the time limit of the license results from the selected scope and type of VOD service based on the Provider's offer. The license fee is included in the price according to point 4.4. of these General Conditions.

4.6 The customer agrees that the titles available as part of the VOD service will not be distributed, stored, duplicated or otherwise used in an unauthorized manner.


5.1 The provision of a third-party VOD service allows you to play a title (film, program, video clip, song) over the Internet at the moment the customer requests it, i.e. when the customer ordered and at the same time paid the price of the service in accordance with the Price List, if the service is charged.

5.2 Third party VOD services are ordered in the user interface and/or application. The provision of VOD services by third parties is charged according to the Price List.

5.3 This is a third-party VOD service, which the Provider itself does not provide, but only mediates, that is, it has no editorial responsibility for it. This means that it has no decisive influence on the choice of programs and their arrangement in the program catalog.

5.4 The User acknowledges and agrees that the third-party VOD service will be provided simultaneously with the OTT service, under the conditions specified in the Agreement.


6.1 The contract or its amendments are concluded in writing in electronic form.

6.2 The interested party duly and completely fills in all registration data in the form available on the website and electronically submits the completed form to the Provider by clicking on the appropriate field, i.e. completes the registration, together with consent to these TOU and other constituent parts of the Agreement. By registering, the Buyer confirms that he has properly and fully familiarized himself with these General Conditions, the Price List and other constituent parts of the Agreement and that he agrees with them without reservation, and the same is binding for him from the moment of registration. The contract is concluded with proper registration. Part of the registration is the payment of the service price in accordance with the valid Price List and these General Terms and Conditions.

6.3 Registration can also be done through the application.

6.4 The customer is responsible for the accuracy and truthfulness of the data provided during registration. The provider is not responsible for the impossibility of concluding the Agreement due to the provision of incorrect data by the customer.

6.5 After registration, the user has access to the user interface under the conditions specified in these General Terms and Conditions. After registration, the user can use the user interface, the interface for activating (ordering) additional services according to the Provider's current offer.

6.6 Conclusion of the Agreement The Provider will confirm in the user interface and/or in the application and/or by e-mail. At the same time, the Supplier will deliver the contract to the customer (Consumer) in text form.

6.7 The provider provides Services only on the basis of the Agreement, the sending of other conditions by the customer is considered a new proposal for the conclusion of the agreement and non-acceptance of the original offer. Acceptance of the new offer must be expressly accepted and confirmed by the Provider.

6.8 The Customer (Consumer) hereby expressly requests and agrees that the Supplier will start providing services immediately after the conclusion of the contract


7.1 Unless the Customer and the Provider agree otherwise, the Agreement is concluded for an indefinite period.

7.2 If the User subscribes to the Service for a period longer than one month, in accordance with the offer specified by the Provider in the registration form, the Service will be provided for the duration of the subscription, and the Service will end after the subscription period expires. In this case, the contract is concluded for a certain period of time and upon the expiry of the subscription period, the Contract ceases to be valid if the User re-subscribes to the provision of the Service before the expiry of the relevant subscription period. A contract concluded for a certain period of time cannot be terminated in accordance with the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions, which regulate the possibility of termination of the contract by the Provider and the Customer.

7.3 The Customer has the right to use a trial period of one day, and if the Customer does not pay the price of the service after that, the Agreement will be automatically terminated. The customer has the right to use the trial period at most once.

7.4 The contract can be terminated:

  • on the basis of a written contract between the Customer and the Provider;
  • written notification;
  • withdrawal from the Agreement;
  • or in other ways provided for in these General Terms and Conditions.

7.5 The contracting parties may terminate the Agreement by written notice without giving a reason with a notice period of 30 days, which begins on the first day from the date of delivery of the notice.

7.6 The Customer has the right to withdraw from the Agreement in writing on the day of delivery of the notice to the Provider, for the following reasons of serious breach of the Agreement by the Provider:

  • continuous unavailability of the Services for more than three consecutive days from the moment the Customer notified the Provider of the unavailability, but provided that the unavailability of the Services is not caused by force majeure or other reasons according to these General Terms and Conditions for which the Provider is not responsible;

7.7 The Supplier has the right to withdraw from the Agreement in writing for the following reasons:

  • The customer seriously violates the Agreement;
  • The customer is more than 15 days late in paying any of his financial obligations to the Provider;
  • for technical reasons, it is not possible to provide the service for longer than 30 days;
  • The Buyer entered into liquidation, or a bankruptcy petition was filed against the Buyer, or bankruptcy was declared against the Client.

7.8 Upon delivery of the withdrawal from the Agreement in accordance with the TOU to the affected party, the Provider has the right to temporarily suspend the provision of services without the obligation to notify the User, while the Customer expressly agrees to the suspension of the service in accordance with this provision.

7.9 Termination from the Agreement always takes effect after delivery of the withdrawal from the Agreement to the other party.

7.10 The Provider further has the right to continue the temporary suspension of services without withdrawing from the Agreement after prior notification to the Customer in the event that:

  • The customer seriously violates the Agreement;
  • The customer is late in paying any of his financial obligations to the Provider for more than 7 days.

7.11 The Customer confirms that the Provider has the right to demand payment of compensation according to the Price List for temporary suspension of services. The continuation of the provision of services after the temporary suspension of the provision of services will occur after payment of all financial obligations of the User towards the Provider, unless the Agreement is terminated earlier under the conditions specified in these General Terms and Conditions. The Provider has the right to demand the payment of fees according to the valid Price List for the continuation of the provision of Services after the Temporary suspension of the provision of Services.

7.12 In the event of termination of the Agreement, the Provider has the right to cancel the Customer's registration and delete the User's data from the User Interface and the Application, unless otherwise stated in these General Terms and Conditions.

7.13 If the Agreement was concluded remotely, i.e. without the immediate physical presence of the contracting parties, or outside the business premises of the Provider. The customer has the right to withdraw from the Agreement within 14 days from the date of its conclusion, for any reason or without giving any reason. The period for withdrawing from the contract is considered preserved even if the Customer sent the Provider a notice to withdraw from the Contract during that period. A form is available on the website that can be used to withdraw from the Agreement.

7.14 The possibility of the customer to withdraw from the Agreement according to the previous point does not apply in the case of the digital content delivery service, unless it was delivered on a physical medium and was not delivered with the prior express consent of the Buyer (consumer) before the expiration of the deadline for withdrawing from the Agreement and the Provider informed the Buyer before conclusion of the Contract (consumer) that in that case the Buyer has no right to terminate the contract. Given that the Services are provided at the explicit request of the Buyer (Consumer) and are provided immediately after the conclusion of the Agreement, the Provider hereby expressly informs the Buyer (Consumer) and the Buyer (Consumer) takes this into account. It also acknowledges that in the case of the provision of the Service (the subject of which is the provision of digital content), the Customer (consumer) does not have the right to withdraw from the contract according to the previous paragraph of these TOC.

7.15 If the Buyer (Consumer) withdraws from the Agreement, the subject of which is the provision of services, which do not include the provision of digital content services according to the previous content, and the Provider has already started performing the service at the express request of the Consumer before the expiration of the deadline for withdrawal, the Buyer (consumer) will pay To the provider, a proportional part of the price of the service for the execution of the provided service until the moment of withdrawal from the Agreement.


8.1 The Customer is obliged to pay the Provider the agreed price of the Service. The price of the service depends on the selected program package, extension package and all other services chosen by the User. The price of the service generally includes regular payments for the use of the service, which are generally paid in the form of a subscription. Additional payments may be charged according to the price list.

8.2 The price of the Service is agreed either individually when concluding the Agreement or in an addendum to the Agreement. The Agreement or the Price List, which forms an integral part of the Agreement, with the price agreed in the Agreement do not replace the entire Price List - the Price List applies to the rest (not specified in the Agreement).

8.3 VAT will be added to the prices of the services at the legal rate, while the Customer agrees to pay the price of the service including VAT. Service prices are quoted including VAT, unless otherwise stated.

8.4 The Provider has the right to offer for a limited period a more favorable price compared to the Price List, that is, more favorable conditions for using the Services.

8.5 The price of the OTT service is paid immediately after the customer orders it. The price of the OTT service is paid by online payment methods or at toll booths according to the Provider's offer.

8.6 The price for the OTT service is paid in the form of a subscription in the form of regular monthly payments, which are charged from the payment card entered by the user during the first payment for the OTT service. If there is no re-payment of the OTT service for the next period from this paragraph, the Provider may temporarily suspend the provision of services in accordance with the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions.

8.7 The Provider has the right to pay the price of the service even if the Service cannot be provided for reasons for which it is not responsible, i.e. for reasons of force majeure or for reasons on the part of the customer or third parties.

8.8 The price of the OTT service can be paid in advance for a period longer than one month in accordance with Art. 7.2 of these General Terms and Conditions (Fixed Term Contract).

8.9 The User confirms that the execution of the payment transaction is not managed by the Provider and that it is regulated by the terms and conditions of the payment service provider. The provider is therefore not responsible for the appropriate payment method.

8.10 The payment is considered to have been made at the moment when the corresponding amount is credited to the account of the Payment Service Provider or to the account of the Provider according to the selected payment method.

8.11 If the Customer is late in paying for the service or its part or item, the Provider has the right to charge interest on the delay in the amount and in accordance with the legal regulations in force on the first day of the Customer's delay in paying for the service or its part or item.

8.12 Unless otherwise agreed, changes in the program offer do not affect the agreed price of the service.

8.13 The Provider has the right to change the price list under the conditions specified in these General Terms and Conditions.


9.1 The supplier specifically undertakes:

  • if possible, notify the user in advance in any suitable way of any limitation, interruption or loss of service reception, except in emergency situations;
  • ensure that the service is provided at a normal level and of normal quality;
  • publish unilateral changes to the Agreement on the Provider's website;
  • to provide the user with information about the facts related to the Service, especially information about the scope of the service and the way it is provided;
  • to immediately eliminate errors for which the Provider is responsible, and which occurred in connection with the provision of the Service, without the fault of the Customer, to the extent that it is necessary as soon as possible after reporting the error by the User or after discovering the error by the User;
  • ensure the protection of User's personal data;

9.2 The supplier has the right, in particular:

  • to change the scope of the provided Service, in particular to add, replace, cancel Program offers, in particular to permanently reduce or increase the number of Programs in program packages (including expansion packages) without the Provider being obliged to inform the Customer;
  • charge the price of the service;
  • legally verify personal or other data provided by a person interested in concluding a contract;

9.3 The provider is not responsible for the content of information, data/data transmitted to the customer through the selected programs.

9.4 The customer has the right to:

  • to be able to receive Services provided that the conditions specified in the Agreement are met;
  • file a complaint in case of improper provision of services by the Provider in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions;
  • for free and timely elimination of malfunctions caused by the Provider during the provision of the Service without fault of the User, provided that the Customer has notified the Provider, either in writing or electronically, via the contact form or e-mail.

9.5 The customer undertakes:

  • regularly and on time fulfill all your obligations arising from the Contract and these General Terms and Conditions, and especially pay the price of the service regularly and on time;
  • to provide true and complete information necessary for the Provider's execution of the Agreement and realization of related rights and obligations;
  • use the Service exclusively in accordance with the Agreement and applicable legal regulations, or follow the instructions of the Provider;
  • use the service exclusively for your own use and prevent another person from using the service without the consent of the Provider;
  • to provide the Provider at his request with the cooperation that may be necessary for the fulfillment of the Provider's obligations under the Agreement;
  • notify the Provider in writing of any change in the given data, i.e. in particular, change of name, place of residence, contact information, no later than within seven days from the day of the change, to the address for delivery of documents to the Provider, or electronically in the user interface, or through the application.

9.6 The Services may contain material that is considered inappropriate for children or minors and that others may find indecent or disturbing. In that case, the service is not intended for children without the participation, supervision and consent of their parents or legal representatives. Parents, legal guardians or other adults who allow children to use the Service bear full responsibility for determining whether the content of the Service is appropriate for that child. ZipZap provides technical means by which access to the Service or certain content of the Service may be prevented. A password, PIN code or other similar means may be required to access the Service or certain content of the Service. Unless these means must in any case be used to access the Service, the Customer is obliged to ensure that these technical means are activated in accordance with the method and instructions provided by ZipZap.


10.1 The customer has the right to complain about incorrect provision of the Service or payment of the Price.

10.2 Complaint

  • in connection with the reproduction of a certain video, it is possible to contact the Provider within 48 hours from the moment of the failure;
  • in connection with the subscription, it is possible to contact the Provider (a) either in the period until the end of the trial period, if the service is provided to a registered user for a trial period; or (b) until the beginning of the next prepaid period in respect of which the registered user canceled the subscription before its commencement;
  • other service deficiencies can be claimed from the Operator within 24 hours at the latest;
  • via the contact form available on the Provider's website, by letter to the address of the Provider's headquarters, or by e-mail.

10.3 In order to initiate the appeal procedure, the Customer is obliged to indicate in the e-mail sent to or through the contact form:

  • an accurate description of the problem being advertised (ie a description of the defect, or how the defect manifests itself);
  • in the event of the impossibility of playing the title/program offered as part of the subscription, a document that the Customer has duly paid the subscription/Price;
  • description of the technical equipment, especially the version of the operating system, applications, name of the Internet provider, connection method (optical connection, ADSL, etc.).

10.4 In the event that the Buyer has not provided the requested data to the Provider and/or the data provided is ambiguous and/or the data has been sent anonymously, the deadline for processing the complaint begins on the current day of complete delivery of the missing information.

10.5 In the case of a late submission of a complaint, the Customer's right to a complaint ceases.

10.6 Filing a complaint does not postpone the obligation to pay for the invoiced service.

10.7 The provider undertakes to deal with the complaint without undue delay, no later than within 30 days from the day of receipt of the complaint. Otherwise, the Customer has the right to withdraw from the Agreement. In order to comply with the stated deadline, it is necessary for the Customer to provide the necessary cooperation with the Provider.

10.8 A service failure is considered a situation in which the service is unavailable or difficult to access for reasons for which the Provider is responsible, and in particular:

  • non-functionality of the Application in case of fulfillment of all conditions for its use on the Customer's side, including supported devices and a fully functional Internet connection that meets the minimum requirements for data flow specified on the Provider's website;
  • unavailability of the Service due to events for which the Provider is responsible, e.g. failure of the Provider's server, which causes the unavailability of the Service or the unavailability of the user interface.

10.9 The provider is not specifically responsible for the unavailability or reduced quality of the Service or for the quality and content of broadcast programs, caused for example by:

  • force majeure;
  • Temporary interruption of service provision;
  • actions or omissions of the Buyer or for other reasons on the Buyer's side,
  • content provider or other television broadcasting operators (program provider);
  • any interruptions or other defects in the Internet network through which the service is distributed or, for example, interruptions caused by interruptions in the supply of electricity, etc.

10.10 The supplier is not responsible for the quality and content of the transferred Programs or for the violation of the rights of third parties caused by making such content available, as well as for defects caused by the non-delivery or non-delivery of the Programs by their manufacturers or distributors. The Provider is not responsible for the content of the data streams transmitted through the Services.


11.1 Protection of personal data

  • The Supplier, as an administrator, will process personal data through the Provider's application and website when providing its services. Personal data of customers will be processed in accordance with the applicable legal regulations of Bosnia and Herzegovina;
  • The Buyer confirms that the Supplier will automatically process data in electronic form during the duration of the contractual relationship, or even after its expiration, for the time necessary to settle mutual rights and obligations, the Buyer's personal data in the scope specified in the Registration Form based on and for the purpose of fulfilling the Agreement ( i.e. provision of Services consisting in the reception of selected television programs). The Supplier will not disclose or share the Customer's personal data, except in the event that the same is requested from the Supplier by state authorities and to the extent necessary. The Provider informs the customer that the provision of personal data for the purpose of fulfilling the Agreement is mandatory and in case of failure to provide the same, it is not possible to conclude the Agreement with the Provider. The customer has the right to contact the Provider regarding the processing of personal data at the following e-mail address:;
  • The Customer further confirms that in the event of any change in personal data provided to the Provider, the Customer is obliged to notify the Provider of the change without undue delay;
  • The provider further informs the customer that he has the right to access personal data and the right to data portability. If the customer discovers or believes that the Provider is processing personal data that is contrary to the protection of his/her private life, or contrary to the law, in particular if his/her personal data is inaccurate regarding the purpose of their processing, he/she may ask the Provider for an explanation or request its removal of such status. In particular, it can be correction, addition, deletion of personal data or restriction of processing. The customer has the right to submit a complaint to the Office for the Protection of Personal Data if he believes that the processing of his personal data violates the relevant legal provisions on the protection of personal data.
  • Additional information regarding the processing of personal data is available on the Provider's website.

11.2 Sending business announcements (newsletters)

  • The Supplier informs the Customer that it has the right to process the User's e-mail and phone number for the purpose of promoting its own products or services similar to those it provides or has provided to the Customer, even without prior consent. In these cases, he can do so until the Customer expresses his disagreement.


12.1 The provider has the right to change the conditions (T&C, Price list, Technical parameters of services, principles of personal data processing), as well as the content of the provided Services, mainly for the reasons stated in the General Conditions, due to changes in the conditions of the supplier of the broadcast program, due to changes in the legislation, technological changes that affect service provision.

12.2 The Provider is obliged to inform the User in an appropriate manner about the change from the previous paragraph at least one month before the planned changes take effect. The customer has the right to reject changes and withdraw from the contract for this reason. If the Customer does not terminate the Agreement, it is considered that he agrees with the relevant change and it becomes binding for the User on the date of entry into force of such change.


13.1 The relationship between the Provider and the Customer arising from the contract is regulated in accordance with the laws of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the relevant legal regulations of the European Union, even if the seat of the User is located in another country.

13.2 The general court in Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina, decides on disputes that arise between the Provider and the Customer.

13.3 In the event that any provision of these General Terms and Conditions is invalid or ineffective for any reason, such fact shall not cause the nullity or ineffectiveness of other parts of the General Terms and Conditions or the Agreement. Invalid provisions will be replaced by the provisions of the current law of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which are closest in content and purpose to the content of the Agreement and General Terms and Conditions.

13.4 By downloading and installing the application, the Supplier grants the Customer the right to use the Application (license), i.e. for non-commercial use of the Application solely for the purpose of using the Service, the license is granted as non-exclusive, for the duration of the Agreement, exclusively for the Territories where the Services are available, if the application does not otherwise specified, and the number of downloads and installations of the Application by one user is not limited, the limitation of simultaneous use of the Services through multiple copies of the Application at the same time applies in accordance with this Agreement.

13.5 The provisions of the General Terms and Conditions that contain special regulation of consumer rights have priority in relation to the consumer in relation to those provisions of the General Terms and Conditions or the Agreement that would be in conflict with them.

13.6 All reports, documents, reminders and other information sent by one contracting party to the other in connection with the Agreement, either electronically or by letter, are considered duly delivered to the other contracting party after five days from the date of signing the contract.

13.7 These General Terms form an integral part of every validly concluded Agreement. In the event of a conflict between the Agreement and the General Terms and Conditions, the provisions of the Agreement shall prevail.

13.8 You can download the terms and conditions from the provider's website.

13.9 These General Terms and Conditions shall enter into force on July 1, 2024.